Friday, September 25, 2015

It was 1990 and growing up on the west side had its disadvantages like it didn't matter what time of day it was if you lift anything of any kind of value out without it walking off. I had  payed $400 dollars for a Chrome Molly bike an had went in my parents house for dinner an upon coming outside realizing that it had been stolen. So being a very angry teenager I had my brother drive the neighborhood and surrounding areas to try and find it, even going to  (friends) houses who I didn't really trust who liked my bike who I knew who liked to steal stuff, but without any luck. So next I wanted vengeance so I devised a plain I would take an old dirt bike and put out for bait and when one of my thieving hood rat kids in the neighborhood would take the bait I would spring the trap, I would rig the bike where the wheel would fall off when it was moved so they could not get yet another bike from me. So me and every kid I could recruit for my madness we started our plan we set the bike out at the street, for a finishing touch the 5 other kids who I recruited who most at some point had something stolen so was a little hungry for vengeance as well, all urinated into a bucket and had plans on after catching our little thief, not only was he getting beat up but was going to get a whole bucket of nastiness dumped on him, an each one of us had baseball bats, crowbars, anything that could be made into a weapon.So we all hid in different places two guys in a tree I was under a camper shell. So now all was lift to do is wait and after 3 hours the troops started to get grouchy, I started arguing with the guy in the tree and rite then we heard someone coming down the street, so we all shut up and two kids a little older then us came down the streets on dirt bikes, we heard one say to the other hay that was a free style bike so one waited down the street and the other reached down to pick up the bike an couldn't get it while on his bike so after getting off his bike we all jumped out after him and chased him down the street through yards, I swung a bat and nearly hit him in the face maybe an inch. A Olympian runner was born that night we never caught that kid but gave chase for 2 long hours. I guarantee he thought twice about stealing from kids again. The thief had left his bike so we turned into the police and even told them what we did leaving a few things out of course. And after a couple months no one claimed the kids bike so I got to keep it, almost thought about making a Robin Hood type Business of robbing thieves at the same time cleaning up the neighborhood, but was to lazy for that.

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